The Workshop


A Recordspad sales app, designed and developed for all wholesale and retail stores. RIMS provides business owners with critical and accurate information about the condtion of their business at any given time of the day. The sales app keep track of purchases, item expiration, sold items, items-low-in stock, total income, profits, loss, debtors, expenses, reports, invoices, customer information, employee information etc. with a very ease to use Point of Sale terminal.

Some of the functionalities of the sales app includes;

Automatic Alert Boxes: Alert boxes that automatically calculates and shows you your total income, total purchase, items low in stock and expired items.

Business Intelligence Analytics: This shows you your top selling products and departments, to guide you on which product and/or department to invest more.

Graph Analytics: Graph showing you what department and items are selling the most. Also shows you the department making the most profit.

The Website

The Hero

Mobile View

The Web App

The Color Pallete



The Dashboard

Mobile View